Town Square is working to support Groundwork Jacksonville's ambitious vision  to create an entire new network of bike and pedestrian paths linking the city's neighborhoods. When complete this signature outdoor destination will encompass more than 30 miles of trails, greenways and parks that will encircle the urban core and link at least 14 historic neighborhoods to downtown, Hogans Creek, McCoys Creek and the St. Johns River.

The trail links to 16 schools, two colleges, three hospitals, 21 parks and the Regional Transportation Center, among other destinations like restaurants, retail and businesses, with 13 additional schools and 17 parks located within three blocks. The Emerald Trail has the potential to be a catalyst for social and economic development in Jacksonville, from encouraging healthy lifestyles and promoting public safety, to spurring economic growth and neighborhood revitalization. Groundwork Jacksonville is connecting expertise, resources and passion to bring this potential to life.

Town Square is at their side to help frame and negotiate Groundwork's relationship with the City of Jacksonville and advise this wonderful organization as it grows.