A successful approach to public spaces must incorporate details that signal to its users that it is well cared-for (for example, with delicate blooming flowers) and actively used (with a multi-layered schedule of public programming). These elements invite users in, and announce that a place is safe and clean. To sustain those maintenance and programming costs, Town Square devises a financing plan based on the diversification of resources and the marriage of park patrons desires and market offerings, as well as long term engagement of corporate partners for signature activities. With this approach, Town Square will help you ensure that your park becomes financially self-sustaining.
Public spaces need not be cost centers. Properly managed, they can support services that attract the public and create operating revenue. Revitalized spaces that contribute to rising retail and real estate values can share in those values. Town Square knows the ins and outs of rentals, concessions, sponsorship, event rentals, philanthropic fundraising, use fees, assessments and all the devices available to launch the renewal of an urban space and assure its continuing success.